Humas dalam organisasi pemerintah merupakan bagian yang menyatu dalam mendukung keberhasilan implementasi dalam rangka pemerintahan yang baik dan pelayanan ekselen terhadap komunitas yang dibawahi pemerintah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Pusat Informasi Keagamaan dan Humas Kementrian Agama. Berdasarkan struktur organisasi Kementrian Agama, Pinmas di bawah sekretaris jenderal dan berada pada lavel eselon II. Lembaga ini bertugas menyebarkan informasi kepada publik mengenai Kementrian Agama. Metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh posisi Humas dan penggunaan ragam komunikasi terhadap efektifitas Humas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh afektifitas Humas pada posisi 53.3%, yang termasuk dalam kategori pengaruh yang moderat. Uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh penggunaan ragam komunikasi Humas pada efektifitas Humas adalah 71.4%, yang tergolong dalam pengaruh yang tinggi. Implikasinya adalah terdapat pengaruh yang kuat pada posisi Humas dan penggunaan ragaman komunikasi terhadap efektifitas komunikasinya.


This research study is aimed at: (1) developing multimedia of English vocabulary instruction in yearfive
of the elementary school, (2) revealing the quality of the developed instructional multimedia viewed from
the aspects of content, instruction, appearance, and programming, (3) revealing the aspect of attraction of the
developed instructional multimedia, and (4) revealing the learning mastery of the students after using the
developed multimedia. This study was developmental research. The research validators included one expert in
English education and one expert in instructional multimedia. The research subjects consisted of three students
for the one-to-one try-out and twenty students for the large group try-out. The instruments employed in this
study were a questionnaire, observation guide, and pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed by using
descriptive statistics. The findings of the study are: (1) the development of English vocabulary instructional
multimedia in year-five of the elementary school proceeded in six steps, namely, analyzing, designing,
producing, validating, revising, and trying-out; (2) the quality of the developed instructional multimedia viewed
from the aspect of content, instructional, appearance, and programming is good. The score range of 1 to 5, the
content aspect shows a mean score of 3.75, the instructional aspect shows a mean score of 3.71, the appearance
aspect shows a mean score of 3.87, and the aspect of programming shows a mean score of 3.75; (3) the aspect
of attractiveness shows that the developed instructional multimedia was very interesting: in the one-to-one
tryout, of the three students observed, two students indicated that the product attraction was very interesting,
and one student indicated that the product attraction was interesting; in the large group try-out, of the twenty
students observed, twelve students indicated that the product was very interesting, and eight students indicated
that the product was interesting; and (4) learning by using instructional multimedia has good impact on
students’ mastery learning: in the large group try-out, out of twenty students, nineteen students (95%) have
accomplished mastery learning in the English vocabulary instruction.

Developing Learning System in Pesantren: The Role of ICT

The development of information and communication technology has led to many changes, including in the field of education which is established the concept of e-learning. By using e-learning, learning is become more effective and efficient. Information and communication
technology is also used in schools, it is possible to produce the concept of e-pesantren. Through the use of ICT, religion teachers and students at the school could be preaching, teaching and learning with greater ease, and the teaching models e-pesantren is also very useful, both for students and teachers (religion teacher), even for the managers of pesantren, of which is increasing prestige and institutional accountability. E-pesantren allows creating a system of distance education and virtual school / boarding. The integration of information and communication technology in education in schools is to improve the quality of education in schools and ease of propagation.

The Handling of Juvenile Delinquency Through the Arrangement of Senior Secondary School ( SMA ) Islamic Education Curriculum”, aimed at formulating the Lesson Plan

Problem statement: The research on juvenile delinquency with the theme “The Handling of
Juvenile Delinquency Through the Arrangement of Senior Secondary School
Education Curriculum”, aimed at formulating the Lesson Plan
Rencana Pelaksanaan
Pembelajaran /RPP
which is one of learning tools of the materials for handling juvenile
delinquency in SMA, that is implemented through the integration of 6 subjects
Civics, Social
Science, Indonesian Language, Sports, Health and Arts Education, Sciences Education and
in the schools encountered South Jakarta of DKI Jakarta province. The special targets
intended to achieve are 1)
Identifying the factors supporting the societies’ involvement in actively
taking a role in the process of formulating the sets of SMA curriculum development, 2)
empowering, and developing the schools’ attention by involving the societies’ roles in the
formulation of sets of curriculum for SMA in handling the juvenile delinquency through the six
subjects in the schools. The plan of the research will be directed to the formulating of program,
formula, and implementation of curriculum sets in the form of Lesson Plan
for grade I in the
first year and grade II, III for the second year through the integration of six subjects with the Islamic
education, especially in the schools encountered the province of DKI Jakarta. Approach: The
design of this research is descriptive, in which descriptive research is a method that is used to find
the knowledge widely as possible from the research object at a particular time. The technique of
Data Collection and Analysis is done by using data collection technique in the form of library
research and field study Results: The program of handling the juvenile delinquency in SMA,
through the integration of 6 subjects, having competence that is by understanding the verses of Al
Qur’an, it improves and changes the students’ attitudes, creating the respectful and well mannered
as the model and having tight solidarity/brotherhood and tolerant. By understanding the Al Qur’an
verses the deviant behaviors will be prevented. Conclusion: The juvenile delinquency will not be
worse if there is serious involvement from students families, societies, as well as the closest people
in anticipating the worse juvenile delinquency, because the societies’ awareness in developing the
young generation is strongly needed, and hopefully there is related and continuing participation in
building the adults’/students’ identities to the better future, in order to create the generation for
nation continuity who have morality and noble characteristics.

Students Intercultural Communication Competence ( Thailand Pattani Students in Indonesian Campus State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung )

The third wave has put the information technology era. Communication and
transportation occupy important role in people migration from one place to another. This
occurred to students of Pattani Thailand who migrated to Indonesia to study in UIN SGD in
Bandung. They encountered problems to communicate across cultures and adapt to a new
This study will focus intercultural communication competence of Pattani students.
To deal with the subject, the study used a qualitative approach, data collected through
interviews by a non-participant observation and document analysis. The theory used
intercultural communication of Gudykuns, data analysis model of Miles and Huberman that
relies on data analysis. The study concluded that Pattani students did not have enough
culture cognition; see themselves as exclusive group; insufficient interaction with
surrounding community; closed attitudes; verbal communication behavior; and less active in
interpersonal relationship.


This article is written to understand the Gender Based Family Financial
Literacy Management. The recurring problem in the family finance is overspending
and minimum income; therefore there is a need for a financial planning in the family.
Most family did make some family financial planning. However this kind of planning
is not sufficient, because there are always unpredictable expenses in every month.
Therefore, to overcome those problems, to plan the family expenses are not enough,
there must also be some familial budget planning. One of the skills a mother has to
have is a financial skill to properly manage family finance. By applying the proper
financial management, the family can reap maximum benefit from their assets. The
mother had to possess the financial management know – how in managing family
finances. As a conclusion, familial financial management education has a positive
correlation with financial literacy by making and recording family monthly expenses
so as to be able to better plan their family financial budget. A mother has to had a
home-grown financial literacy.


As a social media, WhatsApp is a messenger application that allows us to send files,
messages, pictures, videos and online chatting as if Blackberry Messenger, but WhatsApp is
more popular in iPhone users. WhatsApp first release is on iPhone by Apple, and in its
development, now it’s available in Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, and also Symbian
version. It’s also the most downloaded application in the world these days, especially for
smartphone users. To operate WhatsApp, it needs no credit like text messaging, because it
only needs internet data
or wifi. WhatsApp user’s contact can be automatically
detected on our smartphone devices, if our phone contacts are also using WhatsApp
The purpose of this writing paper is to give instant comprehension about using
WhatsApp media on baby’s growth and development activities which babysitted on child day
care. True, baby is inseparable from how their childhood educational proceed in the family.
Every parents are given mandate to take care the birth and first steps of human lives. Through
parent’s hand, every helpless little babies are gently loved with warmth, given nutritions, and
also breastfeeding, etc. In the other side, for the sake of decent living and survival, young
mothers have a limited time so that they need to put their babies in the child day care.
Several notable ideas in this writing can be referral to many parties. Especially about
the importance of WhatsApp as a media for child day care supervision. WhatsApp is used to
create and establish communication between parents and the day care. Parents usually left
their babies from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. This day care is truly an answer to parent’s limited
time for taking care of their children. In this writing, the writer situated the WhatsApp
Messenger as an effective means with hope that it is capable to bridge the communication
between day care and parents so that lessons taught to the babies in the day care can be
shared to their parents, so children can continue the lessons at home. Also through WhatsApp
media, teachers and parents can share plenty information about children, either in education,
health, as well in parenting.

Contextual Approach Using Pictures as a Media Increased Result and Motivation of Mathematical Learning

This research aims to understand the result of mathematical learning of Class IV student in elementary school.
(1) Discovering the influence of the Contextual Approach to the student’s motivation.
(2) Discovering whether the Contextual Approach can increase student’s motivation by equalizing the denominator for the class IV students. The Research uses descriptive method by using inferential statistical analysis
technique. “Descriptive method is a method that focuses to solving current and actual issues. Inferential statistical technique is a statistical method to analyses sample data and creating general inference for the population.”
(Nisfiannoor, 2009:4). The approach used by the research is the quantitative approach. Quantitative approach is a research approach that uses statistical technique to test hypotheses and research instrument to be used to uncover data in a certain measurement scale, to be able to create a generalized statement for the whole population.
(Sudjana and Ibrahim, 2004:8). There are several conclusions to be inferred from the result of the research. From the cyclical analysis, the improvement of the learning capacity was successfully implemented in the cycle I, cycle II, or even cycle III. Cycle I experienced an increase in average class scores from 42 to 72. Cycle II also experienced increasing from 72 to 81. While Cycle III experienced increasing from 81 to 83. The increases in scores are due to the improvement in the teacher’s teaching method by implementing contextual approach. The approach ultimately increases the students’ enjoyment of the learning, leading to an increase in the motivation for learning, therefore increasing the result of the learning itself. If the learning result improves, the quality of the education in the school also improves.

Developing Native-Like Listening Comprehension Materials:Teachers’ and Pupils’ Perceptions of a Digital Approach

This paper reported the attempt teachers did in developing native-like (NLS) listening materials for their EFL learners using a text-to-speech (TTS) technology. Observation was carried out to record teachers’ procedures for developing NLS materials. Interview with teachers were undertaken to explore their’ perceptions towards the NLS listening materials and the benefits they gained from developing instructional media using technology. In addition, a questionnaire was distributed to 65 eight-grade pupils to gather information related to their opinions regarding the listening materials developed and used by their teachers. The findings show that teachers and pupils responded positively towards the NLS materials for listening comprehension. In addition, teachers were found to have more confidence in teaching listening skill while using the technology. There are three conditions which endorse this teaching confidence: the suitability of instructional materials used with the learning curriculum and pupils’ level of English proficiency, teachers’ self-efficacy to the teaching task, and the integration of technology in classroom teaching. The study suggests that TTS system can be used as computer assisted language learning (CALL) application particularly in the development of listening comprehension materials. The study also confirms earlier studies that teacher professional development can be promoted through integrated training on technology for classroom use.